Half Guard

Half Guard

Buna Echipa!

Wow! It got cold. It’s been a November of two halves. We started at Heroes at the start of November with some great sessions, including my birthday Shark Tank. Then restrictions hit us and we have been doing our work at the Bunker.

Technique of the month

This month we looked at lots of variations of half guard and in what scenario to apply each one. I’m going to write up some key points and present these as phases as I see them but, to be honest, it’s really about preference. Remember this is not everything we have covered so don’t be shy in asking questions if you have them.


‘Half Guard is half passed’ - Tom Barlow

Phase 1: Half Guard

Half Guard should really occur only when your closed guard has failed, closed guard being a more superior guard in theory from a control perspective. Distance is the key to a good half guard. You need to dictate the distance and prevent your opponent from controlling your hips and shoulders.

Key points:

  • Keep your opponents trapped knee on the mat… and between your legs.

  • Stay on your side. Don’t let your opponent push you flat.

  • Frame! One hand on your opponents far shoulder and the other on their forearm stopping the crossface.

  • Underhook. Always look to get a deep, and high underhook… but watch out for Darce chokes.

Phase 2: Z Guard

If your opponent is pressing forward z-guard or knee shield can add an additional line of defence.

Key points:

  • Connect your heels keeping a tight grip on your opponents trapped leg.

  • Angle your knee towards your opponents shoulder.

  • DON’T let your knees be compressed together.

Phase 3: Lockdown

If you have been smashed flat you can regain position using the lockdown. Eddie Bravo calls this The Whip Down (see below) Try not to be drawn into relying on holding this position as it can lead to a bit of a stalemate. You can sweep from this position but you might need to be a little bit flexible to keep the lockdown solid throughout.

Key points:

  • Weave your bottom leg instep under your opponents foot.

  • Extend your legs away drawing your opponents hip back and taking pressure away from their shoulders.

  • Your top arm should create a low underhook

Phase 4: Deep HAlf Guard

While I love Deep Half Guard it is a position in which you need to be pretty comfortable getting smashed a bit. This should occur when your opponent bases out during a half guard sweep attempt. When you see a gap underneath your opponent you can use this to dive underneath and get to Deep Half Guard.

Key points:

  • Ensure you have a grip on your opponents hip to stop the stepping over your head.

  • Hide your other hand under your opponents leg… you don’t want to get kimura’d

  • Keep your head close to your opponents hip (use their thigh like a pillow)

November Highlights

My birthday shark tank was a real highlight for me. Thank you again to those who turned up to put me through my paces! We managed to get up and visit our friends in Cluj-Napoca JiuJitsu again which was excellent fun as always. We also welcomed Alex Mezei and Bianca Todo from Absoluto Titan’s Timisoara to the club. It’s be great having them both train with us and I hope that we will continue to benefit from their energies on the mats!

GPTempDownload 3.JPG

Attendance Leaderboard

Congratulations to Alex Enache in just edging in front of Robi this month. Look out in December for the 2020 Attendance Leaderboard and Student of the Year announcement!


Alex Enache



Robert Kis



Alex Mezei



Alex Molnar



Daniel Mihonesc



Bianca Todo



Ioan Csinády



Alex Valea



Darius Imbrea



Raresh Pa



Alexandru Cioran



Razvan Furdui


Next Month

I will be keeping an eye on the restrictions and hopefully we will be back in the gym mid December. I also hope to travel to Cluj again so let me know when you are free.


We are coming to the end of the year, I know it’s cold and sometimes pretty miserable outside so I am very appreciative of your attendance. 2020 has been super frustrating in some ways but the progress and commitment I have seen on the mats has made it bearable.

Stay safe and healthy. If you are sick let me know and please stay at home.

I look forward to welcoming you on the mats next month.
