de la riva

Back Control and De La Riva

Buna Echipa!

Welcome to our first monthly newsletter. In these newsletters I want to very briefly cover the techniques we covered in the previous month, any extra activities we did as a team, update you on the team progress and make any announcements for the coming month.

Techniques of the month

This month we looked at the basics of back control and also De La Riva guard.

Back Control

Reference video:

Key points:

  • Get your hooks in… but don’t cross your feet! This allows you to control your opponents hips.

  • Use your arms to form a seatbelt to control your opponents shoulders. One arm over your opponent’s shoulder, one arm under their arm.

  • Cover your top (or choking) hand.

  • You have a strong side and a weak side in this position.

    • The strong side is towards the choking arm. If you put your opponent to this side you have more attacks and they have less escape options.

    • The weak side is away from the choking arm. If you put your opponent to this side you have less attacks and they have more escape options.

De La Riva Guard

Key Points

Reference video

Key points:

  • Grip the heel (or the gi pants).

  • Hook your opponents leg with the same side leg as you have gripped their heel.

  • Use your free leg to extend your opponents other leg away from you breaking their posture.

  • Keep your opponents posture broken by taking a grip, collar or either sleeve.

  • Use your legs to pull or push your opponent back and forward controlling their balance.

October Highlights

This month, despite Covid-19 we visited Cluj-Napoca JiuJitsu and Iguana Timisoara. Thanks to those of you who came with me and especially to the coaches of those clubs Roland Pauletti, Marius Crainic and Adi Flangea for opening their doors to us.

EquipeTCA Romania Visit Cluj-Napoca JiuJitsu

EquipeTCA - Romania - Trip to Iguana Timisoara.

Attendance Leaderboard


Robert Kis



Andrei Molnar



Alex Valea



Alexandru Cioran



Daniel Mihonesc



Razvan Furdui



Darius Imbrea



Raresh Pa



Nicu Tat



Alex Enache


Next Month

We already have plans for another trip to Cluj-Napoca JiuJitsu. This is planned for Saturday 14 November. Let me know if you are interested in attending.


Thank you all for training during these strange times. I am very appreciative of your continued attendance, individual effort and our team spirit. When things are difficult I am reminded of the motto of my fathers hometown; ‘Out of the darkness comes light’. Our team survives because of your attendance so, in a very real sense, you are the most important part of Equipe TCA.

I look forward to welcoming you on the mats next month.
