Tomis BJJ Open

Buna echipa.

This month I am so proud to have been part of Equipe TCA here in Romania. We are not the biggest team in Romania but we definitely punch above our weight. That is down to your hard work on the mats. At the Tomis Open BJJ competition we took 5 athletes, that’s pretty much half our squad. Of those only one had competed in JiuJitsu before (me). We came back with 2 golds, 3 silver and 3 bronze. This gave us third place in the Masters division. That is pretty amazing.

Everyone did their best to represent the club on and off the mats and there was a great team spirit all weekend. Standout was Alex Valea who won his divisions in Adult and Master 1, but all of the team had great fights and, as mentioned, I am very proud to be part of the team! If you want to watch the fights almost all of them are on our YouTube channel.

Most impressive was the understanding of sticking to your tactics. In all the matches I watched, I saw the tactics that the guys had drilled in the gym over the last month. That understanding of training reflecting your success was great to see.

I truly hope that this is the start of lots of great competition trips with the Equipe TCA team.

It was also great to see our friends from Titians Timisoara Bianca Todoran and Alex Mezei have success. Bianca won the female white belt adult open and Alex won his purple belt Masters 1 division and the purple belt Masters open.


Cluj Trip

We had another trip to our friends at Napoca JiuJitsu in Cluj. If you have never come with us on these trips you should make the effort. Roland Pauletti has a great team and facility and we always get great training up there.


Once again Alex ‘Crazy Horse’ Valea tops the leaderboard this month thus proving that ‘the more you train the luckier you get’. With that I mean, there is clearly a link from training to success… so if you are looking to get better… you probably want to be training often.


Alex Valea



Alex Enache



Robert Kis



Razvan Catilina



Raresh Panainte



Andrei Molnar



Cristi Georghe



Razvan Mihonesc



Alex Mezei



Alex Cioran



This month we have a seminar from the superb Dinu Bucalet on the 15 July. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from Dinu a few of the guys did privates with him last time he was here and I’ve seen the techniques being used.

This month we will be changing the schedule with Monday being Gi and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday being NoGi. This is to help myself, Alex Enache and our friend Alex Mezei prepare for ADCC Nationals.

Don’t be afraid homie!